Camilla Bernardasci, Dr. phil.
- Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- Phone
- Tel.: +41 44 634 39 76
- Room number
- KOL-H-318a
- Working hours
- Di, Mi Morgen, Do
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05/2014 – 01/2020: Doctoral studies in Italian linguistics under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Michele Loporcaro and Prof. Dr. Stephan Schmid. PhD thesis: «Fonetica e fonologia del dialetto di Olivone».
since 05/2014: Research assistant at the Phonogram Archives of the University of Zurich
08/2013 – 09/2014: Undergraduate assistant (after 02/2014 Research assistant) in Italian linguistics with Prof. Dr. Michele Loporcaro
02/2014: Master of Arts, Master thesis: „Un’analisi fonetica di alcuni aspetti del sistema vocalico e consonantico del dialetto di Piandelagotti“ ("A phonetic analysis of some aspects of the vocalic and consonantal system of the Piandelagotti dialect.“)
02/2010 – 10/2012: Undergraduate assistant at the Phonogram Archives (Compilation of the electronic catalogue)
2006 – 2014: Studies of Italian and German Language and Literature at the University of Zurich